Will Nuclear Fusion Pave the Way for Widespread Sustainable Energy Use?
Nuclear Fusion, Sustainable Energy, Deuterium-Tritium Fuel , Energy Generation , Climate Change , Fossil Fuel AlternativesAbstract
With climate concerns rising and the availability of fossil fuels dwindling, the search for sustainable and abundant energy sources has become more intense than ever. Due to its ability to meet these requirements, nuclear fusion has emerged as a promising contender for the future of energy generation. Nuclear fusion is the process by which atomic nuclei join to release copious amounts of energy, mimicking the fundamental process that fuels the Sun. One of its most attractive features is that it provides a near-inexhaustible fuel source. It also contains inherent safety characteristics, such as an absence of chain reactions, which lowers the risk of such catastrophic accidents as meltdowns. Additionally, it generates very little radioactive waste with a lengthy half-life and no direct greenhouse gas emissions. One gram of deuterium-tritium fuel has an energy content of approximately 20 tons of coal, an extremely high yield per unit of fuel. In summary, then, nuclear fusion’s ample fuel supply, inherent safety features, low environmental impact, and significant energy yield combine to make it a particularly appealing solution to the world's energy problems.
Hostert, David, et al. “New Energy Outlook 2021.” BloombergNEF, 2022, about.bnef.com/new-energy-outlook/#toc-download